A fatal illness, though you scarcely notice it at first. One day, you don't feel like doing anything. Nothing interests you, everything bores you. Far from wearing off, your boredom persists and gets worse, day by day and week by week. You feel more and more bad-tempered, more and more empty inside, more and more dissatisfied with yourself and the world in general. Then even that feeling wears off, and you don't feel any more. You become completely indifferent to what goes on around you. Joy and sorrow, anger and excitement are things of the past. You forget how to laugh and cry - you're cold inside and incapable of loving anything or anyone. Once you reach that stage, the disease is incurable. there's no going back. You bustle around with a blank, grey face, just like the men in grey themselves - indeed, you've joined their ranks. The disease has a name. It's called deadly tedium.
1951年 女優インゲボルク・ホフマンと知り合う。
ミヒャエル・エンデ - Wikipedia
この本はSPDの政治家エアハルト・エプラー(Erhard Eppler)とコンタクト・シアターの主催者ハンネ・テヒル(Hanne Taechl)、それにエンデの3人(途中で妻のインゲボルク・ホフマンも登場するが)との間で、1982年2月5日(金)と翌日の6日(土)に行われた対話を文章化したものである。